“I published this story as fiction because I can’t prove it’s all true, but you can’t prove it isn’t.”
Who Fought The Deep State?
If you haven’t heard of me, the author, political candidate, teacher or documentary producer, don’t worry, not many outside of the countries of Oman, Saudi Arabia and Washington State have. Well, there are the thousands of students I taught during the course of my teaching career and the hundreds of men I knew as a soldier in the United States Army. As well the hundreds of people I knew during my college years at Washington State University and the University of Alaska in Anchorage, but beyond that, there are few who have ever heard of Matthew Heines.
At least until I decided to run for office.

An Introduction
“The stories and personalities that occur are simply devices to tell the story of the relationship between the Deep State and the people involved in my political and civil dismemberment behind the scenes. They are obviously fictional. However, every day, as we listen to the crimes committed in the courts, in State Governments and in Washington DC, we see how true this story really is.”
The true challenge in writing a tale of political intrigue when the subject of the intrigue is you, can be limiting. One limiting factor being the time and ability to investigate just exactly what occurred behind the scenes of a series of human right crimes inflicted upon me by Washington State for political, if not racial purposes.
However, there is ample evidence as the quote says, in the mainstream and investigative media. What happens in the book, happens every day, to everyday Americans, and people around the world.
It’s going to continue to happen more and more and more.
Two Parallels
With half of the story of I Fought The Deep State & I Won occurring behind the blurred veil that exists between our government, the Democratic National Committee, the Intelligence Agencies, the Media and Big Tech, there was a definite challenge I had to overcome.
I had to recreate those scenes that happened in places no one could access, with believable situations and characters having contextually appropriate conversations.

To put it simply, I had to make up the players and people who were the puppet masters. They were the ones pulling the strings of political and character assassination through their minions in the King County Prosecutor’s Office.
Mixing Reality With Probability
On the other side is my story, the story that needed no imagination, humor or dramatic license to keep the reader interested. The real story that happened to me and to my wife, is one you will never hear about because the co-conspirators were the mainstream media. Like the media who was silent while the Nazis rounded up the Jews in Germany, KOMO, KING, KIRO & KCPQ in Seattle maintained complete silence in spite of my repeated press releases to them and to the Redmond City Council. They knew and the FBI knew King County was trying to prosecute me for being assaulted.

Characters We Can Identify
The story then ties together with characters who may or may not resemble familiar figures in today’s news and Seattle Culture. The glue that exists in order to mix the real with the probable, the variables we don’t know about that occur between the scenes are those characters who keep the reader interested and fully cognizant throughout the story that this is happening now to real people.

I Fought the Deep State & I Won
“That being said, there is also no way this story could have been written without the intervention of God and a Kung Fu Master. “
With the help of God and a Kung Fu Master, the lead character in the story, Heines Matthews must prevail over the evil racism of the Redmond Washington Police Department and the King County Prosecutor’s office.
What do you think his chances are?
What do you think a jury will decide?
Can Heines Matthews find justice in a weaponized King County court system?
To find out, you’ll have to read I Fought The Deep State & I Won available on Amazon, iTunes, and of course, Heinessight.com