Since the first days China attacked the United States and the World with a military grade virus, I have followed the developments surrounding the China Virus as closely as possible.
The Stand
Let me begin by saying that I trust most of what science tells us. More than anything in the world, I want to trust what the government is telling me.
I want to wear that mask in a car driving by myself if there is a threat I might die from a killer plague.
I want to get that vaccine and a booster and any other booster that is required to keep me from contracting the killer plague.
One Small Problem
There is only one small problem.
I have a YouTube Channel called Deceptions of the Ages News, which like the title says, deals with the major deceptions of our time.

These deceptions, whether you like it or nor, correlate with my own book Deceptions of the Ages: “Mormons” Freemasons and Extraterrestrials.
If you read the book, it will not be hard to figure out the places, players and motives for what is going on with the China Virus.
Therefore let me establish also my familiarity with NBC warfare or what they call Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare in the Non Acronym world.
I know what it’s like to spend extended days in what is called MOPP gear, as well as why it would be required.
Psyops and The Media
Psychological warfare is part of the operation of any military exercise.
That means the media has to be part of the plan.
Elite units like the 82nd Airborne are required to parachute behind the lines and hope people will help them win their objectives, or not oppose them.
When the Chinese Communist Party attacked us and inflicted way more casualties than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined, we did not attack them.
Instead the media glories in reports of rising cases, theorized rising cases, projected rising cases and so on.
Can you imagine what would have happened if the media had been so excited about the dead from Pearl Harbor or the Twin Towers from 9/11?
Furthermore, why didn’t the media (or anyone) ever ask how do we prevent this from happening again?
Why was anyone who wasn’t selling for or receiving from Big Pharma, who talked about the truth, silenced then shut off and shut down?
Deaths Resulting From The Virus
How many people were denied treatment because they did not have the virus and were then certified as deaths due to the virus?
History Repeating
We need only look at American History to answer that question.
In fact, instead of attacking China in retaliation, or at least sealing off our country, their agents in the United States, like Joe Biden, condemned President Trump for trying to close the border.
Joe Biden called the man trying to save us from a deliberate military attack a racist.
By comparison, what would have happened if the same disease had originated in Iran? Syria? Afghanistan? Where was the media then?

China Joe and the Dirty Democrats
They were calling the President of the United States a racist.
And Donald Trump opened the border to China.
There is one way to supersede any governing mandate.
It is through an NBC threat (see above).
Suddenly Americans by the millions became non-essential.
Overnight, business owners couldn’t get workers who were getting unemployment benefits.
They went bankrupt and or went out of business.
Follow The Money
The only people and corporations who seemed to to be able to organize such a colossal scam on humanity and the only ones who could then benefit from the China Virus and the lockdowns were the Democratic Party, the Chinese Communist Party, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Amazon and all the Senators, Congressmen and women who invested their money in them and made out like bandits.
Then they threw the President of the United States off of Social Media.
Just like the Kennedy Assassination, Pearl Harbor, Viet Nam and 9/11, there seemed to already be a plan in place with the media and all those named above.
Through it all, not one thing that was implemented or mandated had any roots in evidence or fact.
Instead it was what they called, “science.”
For example, everyone in a store wearing a mask where there are no cases of the virus.
The Vaccination Bottom Line
The Virus came from China.
The Virus is a military weapon.
Viruses mutate.
The vaccine is a weakened form of the virus designed to build the body’s immunities.
Injecting the virus into billions of people will ensure thousands of lethal variations as probability and Darwin take their course.
Killing Millions Isn’t Easy
It is not easy to kill off thousands or millions of people.
You have to make them want to die.
When you have a media monopoly it’s easy.
Look at every war since the Spanish American War.
Fed with enough of the right information about a situation created by the bankers (for example: Lenin, Hitler, Saddam, most American politicians) it is possible to get the nicest people to do the most horrible things, like kill people they don’t know anything about.
When you have media, social media, completely fraudulent elections and a school system that turns out dependents instead of thinking citizens, it’s super easy to kill a lot of people, voluntarily.
Even better, using the models of the past one hundred years, it’s easy to see the main elements are present that led to Stalin, Hitler and the current American political situation.

Habeus Corporation – Not Wanting to Sound Like Bernie Sanders but…
The corporation owning elites have used their money and influence to:
- Destroy the education system in the United States.
- Subvert and weaponize the legal system in the United States.
Create a wage class society where it is impossible:
- For businesses to access affordable labor.
- To maintain an acceptable standard of living for all Americans.
It is these same corporations and wealthy elites that have created the world in which we live.
The world has become one of lies, hate, animosity, and greed.
The world prides itself in selfish ignorance and senseless consumerism.
Indecency, irreverence, disrespect and a lack of understanding have replaced their opposites in all aspects of our lives.
Until exactly this point in history it would not have been socially, politically or technologically possible to exploit and then mismanage a biological attack by the Chinese Communist Party for the purposes of furthering the worldwide Communist Party agenda.
Official Stand On Covid 19 and the Vaccine Mandates
So when it comes to the China Virus and my official stand?
You can fool all of the people some of the time.
But you can’t fool all of the people all of time.

I didn’t fall for 9/11, either.
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