Washington State Raised & World Educated
Who You Gonna Call?
Elected Experience
ASB President, Junior Class President Sequim Schools
Other Professional Experience
U.S. Army 82nd Airborne. Teacher: Washington State, Alaska. University Lecturer: Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Education, Military Trainer; Saudi Arabia (Northrop Grumman, Raytheon) Author: I Fought The Deep State & I Won, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm. Producer: Trumped! In A State Of Hate, Cascade Bigfoot Blood Mystery Series. CEO Heinessight Enterprises
(MA) University of Alaska, Anchorage (BA) Washington State University, (Diploma) Sequim High School
Community Service
The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormon”) The American Legion
“By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them.”
I have spent my life in the service of my country, teaching, and the American people. To start, in My Year in Oman, I went to teach in the Middle East after the 911 “attacks” to “show the people of the Middle East not all Americans are warmongers.” Next, in my book Deceptions of the Ages, I explain how the corporate/government and its hack media keep us from thinking about any of the real issues. Finally, in my book, I Fought the Deep State and I Won, I was assaulted, then charged with assault. In other words, the Democrats started using Lawfare on me before they ever went after Trump. For eighteen months, King County Prosecutors terrorized my wife and I before I defended myself successfully before a jury. Finally, in Trumped! In A State of Hate, I show why nobody should participate in a Washington election.
Endorsed to Lose
If you are looking for endorsements here, forget it. History shows the Republican Parties of Washington State do not endorse candidates who can win elections.
Your Friend and a Thinking Leader in Washington
The world is uniting against us, not because they hate us, but because the people we elect just want to make money and get re-elected. There are issues of AI, the national debt, the Bigrant invasion and world takeover by billionaires and their low-brow stooges. Our leaders have the blood of millions on their hands. Before you and your family lose your property, your lives, livelihoods, your wives, mothers or your children to rape, murder, random violence, fentanyl, desperadoes, jihadists, lockdowns, war and hate, why don’t you try something different, for a change? Why don’t you vote for Donald J. Trump and Matt Heines and stop this cycle of insanity?
For more information
(425) 202-7958
I took the oath to defend the Constitution and teach it
Thanks to a top score on the ASVAB test in high school, Matthew Heines was offered his choice of jobs in the Army. Matthew Heines didn’t choose a desk job. He chose Infantry, Airborne and Special Forces. After a year of the most intense training, Matthew Heines served as a paratrooper in 82nd Airborne Division.
Matthew Heines is also a graduate of Washington State University and the University of Alaska in Anchorage, where he earned a Masters Degree in Secondary Education.
America’s greatest defense and threats lie in our public schools
Author, veteran and teacher Matthew Heines has worked as a teacher in Alaska, Washington State, a University Lecturer in Oman and a military trainer in Saudi Arabia.
“I was able to work my way up to the top military contracts in the Middle East, because they prize great teachers in America, it was different. Because I was a veteran I was persecuted for my service and my conservative values. At the same time, liberals took over and destroyed Civics, History and Government education.”
Can I Trust Matthew Heines to Defend American Small Business and American Workers in Congress?
I don’t believe in rhetoric. I am a small businessman. Thanks to the US Government, I’m at the mercy of multi-national tech and social media monopolies to do business.
They tax everything I do. They monitor everything I do. There is no competition. There are few alternatives. If they want to shut down your life for any reason, they will. I have been trying to end the monopolies for years.
Multinational corporations are not people and cannot contribute without check to US political campaigns.
The War is Upon US and the World
Using the China Virus as a weapon, the Chinese destroyed small businesses around the world. Their multinational tech monopolies thrived and then assisted in overthrowing the 2020 election.
Now the US is being invaded at its Southern Border.
America Needs Matthew Heines Now
Currently, Matthew is running for the 1st Congressional District in Washington State for the US House of Representatives in the 2024 election.
We must fix our schools, replace teachers, and make our classrooms the top in the world.
We must accept education starts in the home. If parents want babysitting services instead of schools, we must provide baby-sitting services for parents who don’t care about learning.
Americans must learn to be honest with themselves. The reality created around them while they were watching the shiny colors and pretty people on the idiot box.
If you don’t vote for Matthew Heines in the next election, they will be coming for you.
For more information about Matthew Heines, please keep reading.
Matthew Heines Freedom Fighter
For all the latest on the Matthew Heines campaign for the United States House of Representatives, just go to Vote4Heines.com. Remember to Vote 4 Heines before the Chinese Communists take over.
Now, for more fun and thrills, why don’t you check out the Vote 4 Heines blog?
Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.
Washington State, 98052