By Guest Author Sangeeta Heines

How many people actually understand the significance of Memorial Day? How many people can think of 5 Reasons all Americans should celebrate on Memorial Day? If you can’t think of at least 5 reasons, as an immigrant married to a veteran, I would be glad to remind you.
Thanks is More Than a Phrase
It’s very nice when you are in a Store and someone says “thank you for your service!”
One turns around and sees a middle -aged man dressed just like anyone else shopping for groceries. But with a HUGE difference. This middle aged man actually signed up & went through the rigorous training to defend the country from enemies outside & within the USA. He & millions like him put their lives in danger so that You & I can have the freedom to watch football, shop groceries or even go to Theaters. That’s too extreme you say. Really.
Have you ever lived in countries like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia or even India?
They Died For The Rights You Have
Let’s talk about a few Freedoms that you & I enjoy because so many soldiers died for it.
Freedom of the Press
Everyone enjoys a license to say almost anything-which includes this blog – which wouldn’t be there if you didn’t have soldiers defending the Constitution. In the above mentioned countries you can only say-write or even think what the government wants you to. There are endless stories of journalists who said ‘a’ word against the party line and were never seen.
The Right to Bear Arms
The right to defend oneself from an attacker is taken for granted by most people as right of Constitution. TRUE. But will they allow you to carry them if you didn’t have this Freedom by your government. Freedom once again fought for & defended by Soldiers.
I could go on & on but I will talk about the last one here.

The Freedom of Religion
In most countries around the world Christians are persecuted.
Middle Eastern countries don’t allow Christian worship, or even a Church because their National Faith is Islam.
In India, Christians are persecuted & their places of worship vandalized but no one hears of that.
But in the USA, the Constitution allows the right to have their places of worship – a mosque or a Hindu Temple. Why is that?
Again that is because our Veterans have fought to preserve the integrity of the Constitution in the context of the USA. (of course when the constitution was written there was Only Christanity in different forms-another Blog).
In my opinion Memorial Day should not be about having BBQs & family gatherings, but doing something for the soldiers and their families who sacrificed their lives and their best years to keep America the Free Nation that it is.
Ways to Celebrate Our Veterans on Memorial Day
- Visit the Veterans Ward & mingle with the Veterans there.
- Go to the Cemetery & place flowers.
- Visit the Veterans hospital & spend some time with some.
- Save money to buy gifts for these soldiers & their families.
- Buy from Veteran owned businesses.
- Hire Veterans
- Vote for Veterans to be in the Congress.
The list can go on. BUT one thing you can do right now is to RESPECT Our American Veterans.
I am a wife of a Veteran & do all the mentioned things & wish others did too. Once you have done all that Raise that Flagin your porch, have a BBQ , enjoy that beer & listen to Encounters USA Podcast together. For there are few things as Americana as Bigfoot, Ufo’s or Aliens.
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Thank you for stopping by.
Proud Wife of American Veteran and Congressional Candidate Matthew Heines
Sangeeta P. Heines
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